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Paleo cooking - fad or fact

It stands to reason when you stop and think about it that our diets today consist of primarily processed foods that are stuffed with artificial colouring, preservatives, chemicals, bulking agents and additives.

Processed foods are typically lacking in many ways in the basic goodness and nutrition their raw product state orignally offered.

Some would argue that our food today is in some part responsible for many common day ailments like diabetes and cancer to name a few. Can this be so?

Well if you think about it logically our ancestors way back wouldn't been ingesting anything like what we do today. Our diets today tends to be driven more by convenience and immediate saitsfaction that any consideration for what we actually put into our bodies.

Liken that to your car - how well do you think your cars engine would function if you added a half pound of lard and a cup of sugar to every four litres of fuel. It would pretty soon get choked up and have all sorts of problems with clogged jets and poor performance. Now can you see the effect of a poor diet.

Paleolithic man would have had a diet based on the readily available fruit, nut, meat and fish etc in its most unprocessed state. Natural, healthy and totally ingestible.

There's a link at the bottom of my blog to a Paleo Recipe Book you might like to consider. I've bought it and there are some great quick easy, satisifying and filling meals in there.

The Paleo Recipe Book


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